It is very important that we be responsible when we drive on the roads. The number of road accidents has been increased in the modern world, there are so many vehicles on the road and most of the people own a vehicle. People not following the road rules and safety rules is the main reason for increased number of road accidents. Knowing all the road rules and safety rules are important so that you can follow all these rules to avoid accidents.
The most common reason for road accidents can be consumption of alcohol. Alcohol consumption is okay as long as you don’t drive after consuming alcohol. Consuming of alcohol can alter the mental status and can make people dizzy and predict the reality falsely.This can be very dangerous if someone drives on the road in such a situation. It is not just about your life its about everyone else, there can be people of different ages who are traveling on the roads, so you have to be responsible of the other life and yours as well. It’s always best to avoid driving when you know that you have consumed alcohol. We have seen so many road signs saying do not drink and drive, it’s because the most number of accidents are due to driving after consuming alcohol. You may feel like you are steady and you can drive but when you start driving it would be hard to focus and it can lead to accidents.

Its also very important that you have all the safety measures in the car while you are driving. There can be different types of emergencies, so always make sure that you are prepared for everything. It is best to have spare tyres in the car, so that you can use it whenever there is a puncture. It’s good to buy quality tires, you can just search for tyres near me. And also important to have all the tools needed to repair your car during an emergency situation. And also before taking the car out for a drive make sure that you check the engine and the fuel in the car to avoid unnecessary problems in between a drive.It is also good to have some amount of oil stored in your vehicle so that when the fuel finishes you can use that when there is no any filling station close by.

Road accidents can lead to different types of life long effects and also can lead to death sometimes. With many technological advancements these days, vehicles have many protective measures to avoid dangerous injuries during an accident. In ancient days only few vehicles had airbag feature now almost all the vehicles in the market has this airbag feature. This can be great to avoid dangerous injuries in people.Even after an accident it can help to minimize the injuries which can lead to death sometimes.
And also all the cars are made up of shatterproof glass, this can be a great feature. Glass can be very sharp objects that can cut any part of your body. Shatterproof glass will break into pieces which are not sharp so that it can avoid cut injuries in people.