5 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Investing in Sheep

Sheep grazing is a common type of farming seen in New Zealand. The space, climate and environment are all ideal for such a form of farming. While raring horses and even cows are quite common, Sheep farming has its own list of criteria to fill beforehand.

It may seem wonderful to open up your window and see sheep grazing on a mountainside but only a sheep farmer will tell you how tricky the job is. However, if you are up for the challenge then there are things you need to ask yourself and consider before getting your hands dirty…literally. So, take a look at the list below on how you should proceed with it.

What breed of Sheep are you looking for?

This is of course the no brainer question and to an untrained or inexperienced eye you might not see much of a difference between the breeds. Although sheep do look fluffy and very honestly quite cute, they can be aggressive if not handled by a trained professional. There are the different breeds for each purpose such as meat or wool. Either way you will need someone to have someone experienced with you if this is your first time getting into it. Do the necessary research prior to opening up this new venture.

Land size and space

Sheep grow to be large so you will need plenty of grazing space and availability. The number of Sheep you are planning on having will determine the land size and food availability they need. The type of grass and added nutrients have to be allocated too. If you want Sheep to be healthy and live for long their food intake in terms or quality and quantity is of prime importance.

Grooming and maintenance

Sheep can only be sheared during the summer months when it is not too cold. Ideally the wool is allowed to grow throughout the winter and has to be sheared at the perfect time. If you have seen this before it does not look too difficult however it takes practice, patience and being able to control the animal. The right shears are needed to ensure a clean and safe cut, so you should go for the best range of electric shears for Sheep for an efficient cut.

Safety of the Sheep

There are number of things that could happen to sheep.Wild animals, bad weather and even infections are some of the few reasons their safety needs to be considered. Sheds or enclosed spaces will need to be built for them to stay during the nights.

Farm dogs are a great way of making sure they stay together and herded back in at the right time. Having some knowledge about how to treat a sick of injured Sheep will also be of use. Their barns should be correctly ventilated but also protect them from bad weather. Make sure there is sufficient space for at least a small vehicle or ATV to be able to get inside the enclosure.

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