Leather is made by chemically treating the hides of animals such as cows, bulls, etc. and is one of the most popular materials used for the manufacture of furniture, clothing, and other accessories. Although leather is durable, it can be damaged or stained due to use, in which case it should be cleaned or restored. Cleaning leather involves the removal of dirt, grime, and other stains from the surface of the leather without damaging the integrity of the leather fibres, or in the case of finished leather products, the finish. The cleaning process depends on whether the article in question is made of natural or faux leather, and on the type of finish (if any). Properly handling and maintaining leather products can extend their lifetime and have them look their best many years after manufacture. This article details several basic factors that should be kept in mind when cleaning leather.

Type of leather

The type of leather should be determined before attempting leather cleaning as the cleaning process differs slightly, and improper cleaning can damage the leather. Most leather cleaners or soap are usable on finished leather as it has a protective coating but can damage more sensitive leathers.  Suede leather has fibres which can be damaged if harsh cleaners are used whereas more durable leathers will not. Faux leathers are made from either plant-based alternatives or plastics which have different requirements in a cleaner which may be specified by the manufacturer. If the type of leather is not known, trying the cleaner on a small area that is not normally visible to check for discolouration, stains, or damage is advisable.

When to clean leather

Leather products should be cleaned periodically to remove any accumulated dirt and grime. Faux leather and finished leather products generally have a finish that make them resistant to certain types of stains and allow for easier cleaning. For accessories that are used regularly such as boots or gloves, the cleaning period may be shorter whereas others allow for more time. However, if stains occur, it is generally advised to immediately clean the stain. Liquid stains should be blotted to remove moisture and wiped with damp cloth or with leather cleaner, and then wiped away with a dry cloth.

Type of cleaner

Leather cleaner is liquid that is manufactured for the purpose of cleaning leather. The chemicals in leather cleaner dissolve and wash away dirt and grime without damaging the leather. However, whether or not it functions as advertised depends on the type of leather. Therefore, it is extremely important to select the cleaner based on the type of leather. Harsh cleaners can damage natural leathers and cleaners which are too weak may be unable to remove certain stains. It is also not recommended to attempt to create your own leather cleaning solution, as most commercial brands of leather cleaner are sufficiently capable. Additionally home-made solutions such as vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, etc. can easily damage delicate leather or create new stains.

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