There are so many styles available for outdoor furniture and they come in different materials. You need to consider the material qualities before you purchase the furniture as this is what will decide the durability of the material. In addition to the material, you have to think about the climatic condition of your location and the surroundings when looking for something that will last a long time.
You need to have a clear idea of the purpose of the outdoor furniture, how you are planning to store it and what the maintenance requirement is like. This will differ from different materials. So when you visit a showroom to buy lounges, you need to look past the design and consider whether it will be a good investment for your home. You can also think about the sustainability of the material. Durability of material is even more important if you don’t have a space to store the material. Then it has to withstand the harshest of the elements. Teak is a material that many people prefer due to its classic look. It can instantly elevate the aesthetics of your home. It is also naturally weather resistant because the wood itself contains oils within it. And you can use it in different seasons. But there is a strict maintenance schedule that you have to stick to. You will need to scrub them with water and soap now and then. You also need to make sure the sanding of furniture is carried out periodically. Teak is quite expensive so if you are on a budget, this can be out of your price range. Also, timber has a risk of warping over time.

Wrought iron has been used for so many years as outdoor furniture. It has stood the test of time. It has a weight so it will not be blown away easily if you are in a windy area. But you need to make sure there is an anti-rust coating on it and it is re-done whenever necessary. If you can store it during the winter months, it will help protect the furniture from the harshest of the elements. You can easily clean the furniture with water and soap. There are many ornate and elaborate designs that are possible with this material. But if you want to move the furniture around a lot, it can be a little difficult with wrought iron because of the heavy weight. This is the same for heavy timber furniture as well.

Acacia will age beautifully as furniture and it has water resistant qualities as well. When it starts to fade, you can use oils or use a stain to refresh the colour of the wood. You need to clean it regularly just as you do with teak furniture. However, this is a more sustainable option when compare to teak as it grows faster. It has a beautiful grain as well. This also has a high initial investment. Aluminium is commonly used as outdoor furniture because it is lightweight and you can easily move it around. However, it is not recommended for windy areas. You can easily clean it and it is sufficiently strong as well. Powder coated steel gives you a lot of options when it comes to colour and it can be cheaper than timber furniture. But if you go for a cheaper product, you will find that the colour fades over time. There is a risk of rusting as well.