Reading a bedtime story can be a fun way to encourage your child to wind down and relax for bedtime. Children are not particularly keen on going to bed early – they would rather play, watch TV, or hang out with the adults till late. Cuddling up in bed with a good story can be just the solution you are looking for.

There are lots of wonderful children’s books to choose from and you can choose stories that suit the child’s liking. Besides getting them to drift off to a story, there are many other benefits to your child. From nurturing their imagination to bonding with parents and helping them to learn. Consider purchasing a couple of books the next time you are at the store to pick up some toys for your child. 

Perhaps the most beneficial aspect of all is that reading to children at bedtime helps them fall asleep – a task that is difficult with hyperactive children who might find it difficult to fall asleep at night. Over time if done regularly, your child will start to associate reading with bedtime, helping them get into sleep mode more easily.

The association between reading, bedtime and sleep if fostered in childhood is a healthy habit, they will take with them to adulthood. You can start off reading to them when they are young and slowly encourage them to start reading themselves as they get older, helping create a strong bedtime routine. 

You can help your child improve their concentration by getting them to pay attention and engage with the story you are reading to them from start to finish. Watching video is a much easier task for the brain compared to reading or listening to a story – with reading and listening the brain must conjure up the imagery and scenario making it a brain workout that helps retain information and build new connections between different areas of the brain.

Reading to children helps them with their language skills. It helps to expand their vocabulary and listening to you can help with their pronunciation. Picking up new words will help them with their speech and writing skills.

You will be fostering your child’s imagination and creativity by reading to them every night, and if you add a bit of drama by changing the sound of your voice etc. to bring the story alive for your child, it will help them imagine the characters and situation well to create the story you are reading vividly in their mind.

You have heard this before, and it is true, reading can teach your child good values and morals through the characters in the story. They will be able to understand what is socially and morally acceptable and not through the characters depicted in the story. Reading is a good instrument to teach your child what is right and wrong in a fun way.

Reading strengthens your bond with your child. So, go ahead, and read to your child every night.