Why You Should Give Your Dog A Bone

Raw bones have been necessary for the dog species’ wellness for thousands of years, providing nutritional, muscular, and cognitive benefits. It’s no surprise: they help healthy teeth, divert undesirable behaviour, and give essential nutrients.

If you’ve already done any study on the subject, you’ve probably observed the debate between dog specialists concerning the benefits and drawbacks of giving raw bones to your dog. I’m on the pro-choice side of the debate. Raw bones are one of my favourite treats for my dog because they provide so many health and wellness advantages. Raw bones are a crucial part of his regular diet because they are easily digestible and totally natural.

Raw Bones Can Be Fed in Two Ways:

1) Grinding a bone and incorporating it into his diet – If you’re going to grind bones, go for soft, porous bones like chicken necks or wings. These could be crushed and put to your dog’s diet using a meat grinder.

2) Offering him a large bone to gnaw on (for fun) – Choose a femur or hip bone from a large mammal, such as a cow or bison, as these bones are loaded with marrow.

Teeth Cleaning with Raw Bones

If you don’t clean your dog’s teeth with a brush, you’ll need to find another technique to remove tartar from the teeth (especially the rear molars) in order to keep them gleaming white. Excessive tartar causes foul breath, cavities, and gingivitis, as well as costly teeth cleaning and extraction methods that can only be done by a veterinarian. When your dog nibbles on a raw bone after a meal, it helps to increase salivary enzymes. To help eliminate stuck bits of food from the teeth, he only requires 10 or 15 minutes.

Nutrients and Minerals

Minerals as well as other nutrients can be found in abundance in raw lamb bones for dogs. A raw bone can assist your dog’s musculoskeletal system repair and adapt since bones are made up of calcium phosphate, a nutrient that helps your dog grow properly. In fact, raw bones calcium is 4 times more bioavailable than conventional calcium supplements. Large-breed pups, in particular, benefit from raw bones since they grow rapidly and require an extra calcium phosphate increase.

Undesirable Chewing Habits

Is your dog self-licking, scratching, or exhibiting other anxious behaviours? A raw bone can let him focus on something other than his destructive activities and encourage him to develop a new, healthy chewing habit.

Snack After Dinner

Allow your dog to gnaw on an uncooked bone if he enjoys his food too much and then needs to be side-tracked from your dinner. It will assist to satisfy your dog’s hunger and simply enjoy your meal in peace.

Natural Habitat

Gnawing is a dog’s basic reflex. Rather than a factory-made plastic facsimile with little nutritional content, I want to nourish it with a high-quality raw bone. Besides, your dog enjoys the tasty taste of the raw bone as well as the cerebral stimulation. Plus, all that chewing gives your dog’s jaws muscles a great workout.

It’s vital to keep in mind that if you’re feeding your dog bones, you should keep an eye on it. It’s because you don’t want the bones to shatter into fragments that he could ingest or choke on. Change their recreational bones on a routine basis (every few days) to avoid any nasty (and perhaps hazardous) bacteria.